Tuesday 19 November 2013

NaBloPoMo - Cold

Darn it got cold today. I got to break the ice on puddles on my way to work which is something I love. All I really wanted to do though was stay at home and bury myself in wool. Now I do work in a yarn shop so technically I could have just made myself a nest today but that kind of thing is frowned  upon if it's not your wool!

I left work late as I was helping a poor stuck knitter fix a mistake. It meant I was almost half an hour late but honestly, I didn't mind. Helping people with their knitting is definitely a good cause. By the time I left the temperature had plummeted. Frost was starting to form on the cars. Today was a hat, scarf and mitts night. By the gods it will be time for a coat soon! It's certainly time for proper mittens of gloves. My fingers were frozen!

Later this evening I'm going to go outside and blow bubbles. They freeze at 0 degrees Celsius so hopefully it won't be too breezy and I'll get to see it ^_^

1 comment:

  1. Time for a coat soon????? Jezus Mrs, Brrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

    I didn't know that about bubbles. Cool. Shall have to try it.
