Saturday, 4 September 2010

SSS failiure

So the plan was to wear my farm gear today and then get changed into something suitable for SSS when we got back. Yeah we've just got home! I really need to make some work clothes.

I feel like such a failure but I knew there was a possibility that I would fail on Saturdays.

Mary, it's not cold hearted at all. Just a fact of life, and dinner. There was no way was I wearing anything I had made for the chicken dispatch!

Back on the wagon tomorrow then.


  1. You clearly need a spiffy apron for cases like this :)

  2. "There was no way was I wearing anything I had made for the chicken dispatch!" my sentiments exactly.

    As for work clothes-I have the NICEST riding gear because as I make a new top, one gets transferred to the barn clothes shelf. I used to wear ad tee shirts, but now everything fits and is somewhat color coordinated. I can't believe how much better I ride when looking good! (not).
