Monday, 20 September 2010

'Allo Vera :o)

So we finally made Vera. The prospect of helping me fit a coat was too much for Spadger so we cracked on with Vera. A while ago we started on Lucille, the little minx who will be my corset dress form. But a broken corset but her on the back burner where she has stayed. The sew along certainly prompted a desire to start and indeed finish Vera. So without further ado may I present Vera!

Yeah she's spotty :o) I love spotty


  1. Yay for Vera! I've got duct tape all ready to go and am going to coerce my hubby into making me a dress form soon. :)

  2. Who doesn't?! (Love spotty I mean!) Great, congrats - She is really a beauty! A fitting dress form would be awesome, but alas, my (not-so-well-fitting) dress form is buried somewhere beneath a heap of fabric in my sewing room...

    You have successfully motivated me to try it once again!

  3. How did you make Vera? Did you use the duct tape method or something else.

    Also, did you make her stand and how is she stuffed?
