Monday 30 November 2009


Oh yes dear none existent readers, I'm now talking in codes. Any of you that sew will have an idea what I'm referring to in today's catchy title. I am talking about the Full Bust adjustment.

I am in the middle of trying to make a dress for my Christmas party. this party takes place on Friday. This Friday. Yeah I know I'm cutting it fine. I bought a pattern, measurements matching mine or thereabouts. We (Spadger) made some adjustments to it to accommodate the girls. I made my muslin. It didn't fit. Shoulders were out, the neckline gaped. Not to mention the mess I made of the zip.

So a bit of research later and it seems that I shouldn't be using the pattern piece that fits my full bust measurement. I should be measuring above my bust and then doing an FBA. Apparently dress patterns are made with a B cup in mind. A B cup! I was a B cup from growing boobs up to being 18. I've steadily worked my way through the alphabet til I reached the wondrous letter of J (Jewels, Jubiliant, Jiggery-pokery, Jabber, Jackanapes, Jibe). However I only have a 32 inch back. So by my workings out the pattern piece I was using is designed for someone with a bust size of a 38B. Hmm, no wonder it didn't fit.

So currently I'm making toad in the hole and Spadger is making new pattern pieces complete with FBA. I love him!!!!

Hope it works this time or Cinderella may not be going to the ball.

Edited to add: The new pattern seems to work fine and I shall be starting on the dress proper tomorrow. Woot!

Edited again: Spadger is now cutting out the actual lining material for the dress. Man I love him!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Just wondering how you go about doing your FBA? Do you cut to the armhole and spread through a bust dart? I'm trying to amass knowledge on the matter and am curious about different approaches.
